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Shangri-La Farm

Maximizing Your Horse's Well-Being: A Look at Pasture Boarding

Updated: Nov 8, 2023

How Pasture Boarding Enhances Well-Being

Welcome to the world of pasture boarding, where horses frolic in the outdoors, forming great friendships and munching on fresh and lush grass all day long.

If you are someone who is looking to see your beloved equine companion thrive with happiness and good health, this type of boarding is the right choice for you!

Let’s explore the benefits of pasture boarding for horses and why it is the perfect choice to maximize the well-being of your horse.

What is Pasture Boarding?

It is a type of horse boarding that allows your horses to live outdoors in a natural and spacious environment. They can eat fresh grass all day long, which is very healthy, and very tasty for them. As horses are social animals, they can make friends and play with other horses, and exercise to stay strong and healthy. It’s a perfect paradise for them to grow!

How It Can Maximize Your Horse’s Well Being

Less Behavioural Issues

Say Goodbye to Horse Stall Stress

Photo by Shangri-La Farm

You might have seen that when your horses are kept in stalls for a long time, they start acting in ways that are not good for them or you. They can easily get stressed and bored, leading to issues such as cribbing, weaving, pawing or kicking or stall walking. However, if you want to avoid these behavior issues, horse pasture boarding can help. It’s like giving them a big playground to play!

The Spacious Freedom

The boredom and stress that often come with small spaces will significantly be reduced with this type of boarding. For example, getting ample and open space will help your horse to walk, run, and stretch its legs freely. This freedom and fresh air will keep them healthy and strong.

Social Interaction

Horses are friendly creatures who love to play and socialize with others. So, when they get this incredible chance to hang out and create bonds, they will definitely feel happy and safe. In addition, they will also become smarter by learning from each other. It is a great way to help them feel less worried, secure, and more relaxed.

How Socialization Benefits Horses

Photo by Shangri-La Farm

Gets an Appropriate Diet

The Balanced Diet of Pasture Boarded Horses

When horses get time to frolic in open pastures, they can eat fresh grass daily, which is their natural diet. The grass in the pasture comes in different varieties, making their diet more balanced. It helps them get rid of stomach issues that can happen when they don’t eat right. To ensure horses get all the vitamins and healthy fats, pasture boarded horses should also be fed grain twice a day. Separating horses while eating grain ensures each horse eats the right portion and everyone safe.

Photo by Shangri-La Farm

Expert Care and Supervision

While choosing a place for pasture boarding, you need to select one with people who are experienced in taking care of horses. It ensures that your horse will get the proper care and regular check-ups they need. In addition, they will also make sure that your horse will get the right food to stay strong and healthy. They will look for any signs of sickness and provide proper care right away.

Wrapping Up

Ready to provide your horse with the ultimate experience of horse boarding in Ocala, FL? At Shangri-La Farm, your horse will get the proper care and supervision it deserves. Shangri-La Farm has a unique pasture board arrangement which includes each horse getting fed 2x a day in a stall with care costs included in board. This means if your horse needs a cut, swelling, or rain rot taken care of there is no additional fee for treatment. Your horse will be cared for by individuals with decades of experience and you will get peace of mind knowing that your horse is in the hands of experts who know how to handle horses perfectly.

Contact us today for all your queries!


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